I'm Believin'
This project came as a total surprise to me...a "God Wink"; if you will. It all started when I co-wrote the first song, "Game Face," with my buddy Justin Owens.
I would've never dreamed; when I went to AJ Masters memorial service that AJ, had already lined up the people along my path....I met Billy Henderson and his precious wife, Mary Beth who immediately spotted me in the crowd and said, "You must be Steven; AJ told us about you. Billy
wants to mentor and write with you."
The next week we started writing and within 4 sessions we had 9 songs finished. The Hendersons have become my Nashville parents and they have been with me through the entire
recording process.
PT Houston of Off The Row Studio saw me at the service that day and said, "AJ wanted to
produce your next record." Houston assured me he would honor AJ's wish and make it happen. From day one he earned my trust by showing me that he had everything under control all the way from pre-production to choosing some of the most incredible musicians for this project. Houston exceeded my expectations and has made this my best project to date!
Thanks to my Fontanel family and Fontanel Records Label for always having my back...
A big shout out to YOU, "My Believers," for always Believin' and supporting me and my gift of music!
To my parents Ricky & Kathy who are also my best friends; I couldn't imagine life without y'all. The
work ethic and people skills you have taught me have made me the man I am today.
As I trust in God with all my heart I am patiently remembering to "Be Still And Know" for I know He will continue to direct my path.
Thanks for Believin'! ~Steven